UBUNTU Multipass

Ubuntu Multipass is an excellent tool that enables users to run a StanagOnDemand server on Windows quickly and efficiently. Multipass allows users to create and launch lightweight virtual machines that are optimized for running Ubuntu. With its easy-to-use interface and quick setup, Ubuntu Multipass is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to run a server on Windows.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to run a StanagOnDemand server using Ubuntu Multipass.


Windows 10 Pro or VirtualBox


1. Go to https://multipass.run/ and download and install Multipass for Windows. Select either Windows or VirtualBox hypervisor.

2. Determine the network interface you want to run StanagOnDemand Server on by using the cmd command ipconfig. We will be using the Ethernet adapter.

Select network interface

We will be using Ethernet adapter

3. Create a VM using the following command:

multipass launch --network Ethernet -c 4 -d 20G -m 5G -n stserver

In the above command we assign network addapter, 4 CPU cores, 20G of disk and 5G of RAM to the server and give it a name stserver.

After command completes, we can run multipass list command and see our VM running.

multipass list

Multipass list

4. Log in to your VM using the command multipass shell. The default user will be "ubuntu".

multipass shell stserver

Multipass login The default user will be ubuntu

5. Update the system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Now our VM is ready. Next, we'll install Docker and Docker compose. Note, you can follow the Docker installation instructions to get the latest version, but here, for the simplicity we'll use apt-get isntall command.

6. Install Docker:

sudo apt-get install docker.io

7. Add the ubuntu user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

8. Log out and then log back in to apply the group membership changes


Log in back

multipass shell stserver

You can verify that Docker is installed and running:

docker run hello-world

9. Install Docker Compose:

sudo apt-get install docker-compose

You now have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your Ubuntu system.
Follow the instructions to install StanagOnDemand server.