MISB 0601 Converter Library  Version
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SecurityMetadataSetItem Class Reference

Public Attributes

 A value representing the entire security classification of the file in accordance with U.S. and NATO classification guidance. Required.
 identifies the country coding method for the Classifying Country (Par. 4.1.3) and Releasing Instructions (Par. 4.1.6) metadata.
char * ClassifyingCountry
 This metadata element contains a value for the classifying country code preceded by a double slash "//.".
char * SecuritySCI_SHI_Info
 Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) / Special Handling Instructions (SHI)
char * Caveats
 This metadata element set contains a value representing all pertinent caveats (or codewords) from each category of the appropriate security entity register.
char * ReleasingInstructions
 Contains a list of country codes to indicate the countries to which information in a digital motion imagery file is releasable.
char * ClassifiedBy
 This metadata element identifies the name and type of authority used to classify the file.
char * DerivedFrom
 This metadata element contains information about the original source file or document from which the classification was derived.
char * ClassificationReason
 This metadata element contains the reason for classification or a citation from a document (see below).
char * DeclassificationDate
 This metadata element provides either a date when the classified material may be automatically declassified or if it is subject to Manual Review (MR) and is exempt from automatic declassification.
char * ClassificationAndMarkingSystem
 This metadata element identifies the classification or marking system used in this Security Metadata Set as determined by the appropriate security entity for the country originating the data.
 This metadata element identifies the coding method for the Object Country Code (Par. 4.1.12) metadata.
char * ObjectCountryCodes
 This metadata element contains a value identifying the country (or countries) that is the object of the video or metadata in the transport stream or file.
char * ClassificationComments
 This metadata element allows for security related comments and format changes that may be necessary in the future.
char * UMID_Video
 If used, the 32-byte UMID defined by SMPTE 330M shall be used to identify the essence to which security metadata is linked.
char * UMID_Audio
 If used, the 32-byte UMID defined by SMPTE 330M shall be used to identify the essence to which security metadata is linked.
char * UMID_Data
 If used, the 32-byte UMID defined by SMPTE 330M shall be used to identify the essence to which security metadata is linked.
char * UMID_System
 If used, the 32-byte UMID defined by SMPTE 330M shall be used to identify the essence to which security metadata is linked.
unsigned char StreamID
 In MPEG-2 Program Streams the 8-bit stream_id specifies the type and number of the Elementary Stream. In MPEG-2 Transport Streams the stream_id may be set by the user to any valid value which correctly describes the Elementary Stream type.
unsigned short TransportStreamID
 When multiple Transport Streams are present in a network environment the 16-bit transport_stream_id uniquely identifies a specific Transport Stream from any other Transport Stream to remove any ambiguity.
char * ItemDesignatorID
 SMPTE 336M Item Designator ID.
unsigned short Version
 Version number of the standard.
char * ClassCountryRelInstrMethodVersionDate
 This is the effectivity date (promulgation date) of the source (FIPS 10-4, ISO 3166, or STANAG 1059) used for the Classifying Country and Releasing Instructions Country Coding Method.
char * ObjCountryCodingMethVersionDate
 This is the effectivity date (promulgation date) of the source (FIPS 10-4, ISO 3166, or STANAG 1059) used for the Object Country Coding Method.

Detailed Description

SecurityMetadataSetItem defines the Security metadata set data structrue

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